Created by OLE.org Contributing Writer

Ethics, communication, group psychology, emotional intelligence; you need to master all of these if you’re serious about being across the negotiating table shaking hands on a major deal. OL programs go way beyond topics like management and administration to get to the heart of what it means to be a professional who leads through motivation and even inspiration.
Master of Organizational Leadership (MOL), MAOL/MSOL, and MBA programs with an OL concentration will often let you choose an area within OL that you can focus on, like conflict psychology, global leadership, and more.
How a Sleepy West Virginia Town Secured the State’s Largest Investment in History
“…biggest of its kind in West Virginia history.”
That’s how a huge deal that closed recently in the state has been described.
The little town of Apple Grove in Mason County is slated to be the future home of a $2.7 billion Nucor steel mill, an investment that represents the largest-ever in the state’s history according to public officials.
Nucor holds distinctions as America’s largest steel producer and the continent’s largest recycler, period, which includes being the largest recycler of scrap metal. Nucor’s state-of-the-art mill in Mason County will be one of the cleanest operations of its kind, further cementing the company’s status as leader in sustainable steel production.
West Virginia landing this deal is a win-win between the company and the state. Upon its 2024-anticipated completion, West Virginia is projected to add 800 manufacturing jobs to its ledger along with an additional 1,000 jobs needed for construction. The plant’s estimated three million tons of sheet steel produced each year will also yield important state tax revenue as its sold to customers across the globe.
West Virginia University estimates the mill will create $439 million in non-exempt taxes, along with $25 billion in economic activity.
For benefits like these it’s obvious why public sector officials in the state went out of their way to secure this win. The mayor of nearby Point Pleasant announced that Mason County is finally on the map, and companies are beginning to recognize the potential of the area.
To gain Nucor’s investment, state legislators proposed a bill that provides an income tax credit of up to 50% of what a company invests. For Nucor that translates into a $1.35 billion tax credit.
Likewise leaders at Nucor have been eager to take advantage of the savings West Virginia offers, including the state’s competitive tax break package. In courting a West Virginia site for its new factory, Nucor has:
- Gifted the Mason County School System with a check for $1 million
- Given $100k to a food pantry in Ashton
- Voiced enthusiasm for creating workforce development programs with West Virginia colleges and universities
- Pledged to support local veterans’ organizations
- Stated it will provide pathways to employment for West Virginians enrolled in programs designed to help them overcome opioid addiction
Win-win situations are trademarks of effective organizational leadership, which is why professionals with degrees in OL are so highly valued by companies and the public sector alike.
On the public-sector side, the state’s leadership was able to rally the troops around a common cause to the point of giving away over $1 billion.
On the private-sector side with Nucor, leadership in the company did the math and concluded that investing billions in a new West Virginia steel mill made the most financial sense; it was the most strategic decision to secure Nucor’s continued competitiveness on the world’s steel market stage.
Nucor projects profits, and West Virginia projects an increased tax base, more consumer spending power, enviable unemployment numbers, and a growing GDP. Everyone makes out, and it’s thanks to skilled leadership that got everyone to pull in the same direction.
What You Can Do in West Virginia With a Master’s or Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Leadership
Visionary leaders backed by the skills developed in an organizational leadership degree program are never far from headlines detailing huge deals, and that goes double in West Virginia.
West Virginia’s $1 Billion Dollar Broadband Investment
Anytime a state develops a new mega site to attract multi-billion-dollar investments from global brands, one of the first things it does is to advertise nearby strategic infrastructure like interstate highways, ports, rail lines, and airports.
In today’s digital age high-speed broadband internet can be considered key infrastructure just like any other, and going into the future it’s importance is only going to grow.
Research shows that increased access to broadband leads to improved population growth, employment rates, job opportunities, property values, and rates of business formation. One broadband cost-benefit analysis shows a return of three to four dollars for every dollar invested.
That’s why the state’s governor announced a new plan that would invest a billion dollars into expanding broadband internet services to 200,000 homes and businesses throughout the state. The largest of its kind in history, funding comes from federal, state, and local governments, with private companies also contributing approximately $282 million in matching grants.
The underpinnings of this new investment didn’t just happen overnight; they’re the result of determined leadership.
On the government-side, planners invested two years into studying this expansion. Legislatures worked with the governor to secure funding and eliminate red tape.
Private internet service providers bid for contracts whose winners are chosen based on which company can do the job with the least amount of public subsidy.
This deal sees $1 billion going into West Virginia’s economy, and the economic improvements from this investment are forecast to be even greater.
$20,000 in Cash, Incentives to Move to West Virginia
Government leaders in West Virginia are keenly aware of the costs of population decline.
A loss in tax revenue, increased burdens on state programs for the elderly, and even the loss of a federal congressional seat are all in the cards for West Virginia. The state holds the unfortunate distinction of seeing the largest percentage of population decline in the nation according to the latest census figures.
Despite West Virginia’s uphill battle against incontrovertible demographics, signs of which have been apparent for over a decade, current political leaders know they will be the lightning rods no matter how much sugar coating they try and put on these bad-news headlines.
Which is why state leaders have rallied behind a public-private partnership initiative that offers a package worth $20k to remote workers who choose to relocate to the Mountain State.
Qualifying candidates are US citizens or Green Card holders who can verify a full-time remote work status. Newly arrived residents get $10k during their first year, $2k during their second year, along with a benefits package worth $8k that includes things like golf, white water rafting, skiing, and horseback riding.
Over the coming years the state hopes to attract more than 1,000 new residents through this Ascend West Virginia program, and so far, 86 people have been accepted out of thousands of applicants.
At the heart of Ascend are the governor of West Virginia, a West Virginian who’s recently returned to his home state from serving as a Silicon Valley CEO, and the founder of a charity that provides training and education for under-served counties in West Virginia and Ohio. This team of leaders was able to collectively secure legislative support, funding, and community sponsors to make Ascend West Virginia possible.
Good leadership knows how to make lemonade when life dishes out lemons, or in this case, turn declining demographics into positive headlines and the potential for growth.
Universities in West Virginia Offering Master’s and Bachelor’s Degrees in Organizational Leadership
As broadband internet expands throughout West Virginia, the online options become more attractive for undergraduate and graduate OL programs offered by a wide range of schools. Whether you choose to stay in-state or find your ideal OL program offered via distance learning, you’re the only thing standing between yourself and an education program that will give you the tools you need to hit the ground running once you graduate.
Alderson Broaddus University
Accreditation: HLC
Private School

BS in Professional Leadership
University of Charleston
School of Business and Leadership
Accreditation: HLC
Private School
Campus, online, hybrid

BS in Organizational Leadership
- First Responder/Criminal Justice
- Healthcare Leadership
- Aviation Leadership
MS in Strategic Leadership
- Strategy as Practice
- Business Leadership
- Healthcare Leadership
- Logistics and Supply Chain Leadership
- Crisis Leadership
Also offers:
AS in Frontline Leadership
Doctor of Executive Leadership
West Liberty University
College of Education and Human Performance
John Chambers College of Business and Economics
Accreditation: HLC
Public School
Campus, online

MAEd in Community and Organizational Leadership
BSBA in Organizational Leadership
Also offers: MS in Human Resource Leadership
Wheeling University
Accreditation: HLC
Private School

MS in Organizational Leadership
- Community
- Social
- Government and Faith-Based Services
- Athletic Administration